Our Short Term Objectives


  1. Adopt and support existing health facilities in villages and rural areas in Chad. Procure medical equipment and supplies for the adopted health facility.
  2. Promote health by providing affected populations with healthcare services and products that prevent and manage serious threats to health and survival.
  3. Promote health by providing treatment funding to individuals in need. Some infra structural improvements of the health facility may also be made at the expense of the Foundation when deemed necessary, after consultation with the appropriate governing authorities.
  4. Engage in local and public community outreach programs to disseminate information about health, environment, nutrition, personal hygiene, water and sanitation. Participate in research such as epidemiological studies and disease prevention in Chad.

Tchad Health Foundation aims to improve the health of the population. This will be done through accessible health promotion, disease prevention, medical and public health programs.

  1. Health and wellness education
  2. Maternal and child health
  3. Medical missions
  4. Disease control
  5. Treatment funding
  6. Donation of medical equipment and surgical supplies