On Saturday, October 28, 2023, Tchad Health Foundation (THF) delivered medicines and supplies to Alkouk Health Centre. These supplies, which were donated by the World Health Organisation (WHO), consisted of essential medicines, nutritional supplements, clinic supplies and equipment for the treatment of severe acute malnutrition, malaria, infections and other medical conditions.
The Alkouk Health Centre, located in the province of Hadjer-Lamis, is an essential pillar of the community, providing primary health care to the residents of 53 villages in the region. This donation will help fill gaps created by shortages of medicines and medical supplies and will improve the quality of health care offered to the population of Alkouk. THF`s Founding Director, Fatia Mahamat Adoum, said, “This donation furthers our objective to strengthen health services in vulnerable communities in Chad.”
During the presentation ceremony, Ahmat Abdelhadi Gamane, sub-prefect of Karal, Dr Dillah Manassé, chief medical officer of Karal District, Alkouk Health Centre staff and inhabitants of the region expressed their gratitude for this life saving donation.
On September 29th 2023, Tchad Health Foundation`s Founding Director, Fatia Mahamat Adoum, gratefully accepted a humanitarian donation of medical supplies from Dr.Jean Bosco Ndihokubwayo, the World Health Organization`s representative in Chad,. The donation includes 40 large boxes of medications including: 600 malaria treatment courses; nutritional supplements and treatments for approximately 300 children suffering from acute malnutrition; antibiotics and other essential medications; intravenous solutions; laboratory point of care tests; and other clinic supplies. Tchad Health Foundation will ensure the supplies will reach vulnerable and marginalized populations in Chad. In addition, two 24 square meters and one 48 square meters tents were received for future mobile clinics.
Fatia Mahamat Adoum (Left) Dr. Jean-Bosco NDIHOKUBWAYO (Right)
On Wednesday, July 26th 2023, Fatia Mahamat Adoum, Director of Tchad Health Foundation (THF) met with Dr. Jean-Bosco NDIHOKUBWAYO, the WHO representative to Chad to discuss the health and humanitarian crisis caused by the war in Sudan that began on April 15th 2023. A subsequent meeting with WHO is planned for August 2023 during which THF will present a proposal that outlines a plan for a THF response, focussing on Ouaddai, which is one of the four most affected provinces in Chad.
Having been on the ground at the Koufron refugee camp in May 2023, THF is acutely aware of the crisis as well as the needs and challenges described in the National Response Plan to the Humanitarian and Health Crisis in Eastern Chad related to the Influx of Refugees and Returnees following the Armed Conflict in Sudan. This plan was developed on July 4th 2023 by the Chad Ministry of Public Health and Prevention, in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO) and other technical and financial partners.
According to the National Response Plan, as of June 30th 2023 approximately 230,000 refugees have fled into Eastern Chad. The impact of this influx is amplified, affecting a total of 432,564 people that includes the host population. If the Sudanese conflict continues as it is, it is estimated that this area will absorb an additional 250,000 refugees and displaced persons by the end of December 2023. The health and humanitarian organizations are overwhelmed by the thousands of seriously injured victims, that include pregnant women and children. During a 3 week period, nearly 1,500 displaced persons and refugees were treated for bullet wounds and hundreds of children were treated for malnutrition and diseases such as malaria, acute gastroenteritis, acute respiratory infections and other illnesses.
The National Response Plan calls on partners to engage in the plan. THF is deeply committed to working collaboratively with other organizations to support the population impacted by this health and humanitarian crisis.
On July 25th 2023, Tchad Health Foundation (THF) and Centre for Affordable Water and Sanitation Technology (CAWST) signed a Letter of Intent to work together for the capacity development of THF staff and their partners on topics related to non-networked water treatment, sanitation and hygiene (WASH).
CAWST is a Canadian charity and licensed engineering firm. CAWST addresses the global need for safe drinking water and sanitation by building local knowledge and skills on non-networked solutions people can implement themselves at community and household levels. CAWST Website: https://washresources.cawst.org/en