Our mission is to improve people’s health, reduce inequalities and implement charitable projects and programs to help people in need in Chad. In future, we hope to extend our mission to other African countries.
Tchad Health Foundation (THF) is collaborating with other NGOs, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the government of Chad to respond to the urgent health and humanitarian refugee crisis caused by the war in Sudan that began on April 15th 2023.
In May 2023, THF offered a one day clinic at the Koufron Sudanese refugee camp in Eastern Chad. The clinic was staffed with two doctors, two nurses and six volunteers and provided 200 refugees with urgent health care, medicines, food and non-food items. THF plans to return to the Koufron refugee camp to provide ongoing health care and humanitarian support.
According to the National Response Plan, as of June 30th 2023 approximately 230,000 refugees have fled into Eastern Chad. The impact of this influx is amplified, affecting a total of 432,564 people including the host population. If the Sudanese conflict continues as it is, it is estimated that this area will absorb an additional 250,000 refugees and displaced persons by the end of December 2023. The health and humanitarian organizations are overwhelmed by the thousands of seriously injured victims, that include pregnant women and children. During a 3 week period, nearly 1,500 displaced persons and refugees were treated for bullet wounds and hundreds of children were treated for malnutrition and diseases such as malaria, acute gastroenteritis, acute respiratory infections and other illnesses.